React Big Data Enterprise

Excel in a data-driven world by embedding right analytics capabilities across your infrastructure and facilitating smarter decision-making. We help companies to identify the ways they can capitalize on their data. This includes exploring and delivering insights that help them streamline workflows, automate operations and improve customer experiences.

Make better,

Launch new products and service offerings and accelerate the speed with which new capabilities are deployed. Monetize Big Data through increased revenues and new revenue sources.

Personalise and improve your customers’ experience by delivering the right message to the right person at the right time. Enhance the visibility of the supply chain by providing real-time insights to customers.

Decrease expenses through operational cost efficiencies and improve employee workflow for better productivity. Provide valuable customer service, proactive maintenance and preventive measures by discovering events even before they occur.


Discover which data matters most.

In the new digital economy, access to Big Data is not merely a competitive advantage – it’s essential to survival. We help you put actionable data to work and drive real-time insights on your business performance by utilizing the right data sets for your organization.


Your journey to a data-driven enterprise

Transform your enterprise by utilizing the power of Big Data and real-time analytics across your ecosystem.

  • Step 1.

    Goals Review

    We help you identify disruptors and desired outcomes, prioritize them and build the right strategy to accelerate your goals by exploiting advances in technology around Big Data, IoT, Machine Learning and others.

  • Step 2.

    Data Landscape Assessment

    We identify who in your organization has access to the data, how it is being used and from what sources it is coming. Our data experts conduct a thorough review of your business processes for value-chain improvements, operational automation and customer experience improvements.

  • Step 3.

    Solution Design

    We identify opportunities and quick wins though Big Data, define executable roadmap and suggest a solution taking into account an existing infrastructure and data policies. Core three areas that we are focusing our efforts on are customer intelligence, new revenue opportunities and decreasing expenses through operational cost efficiencies.

Success Stories

Whether you are looking to modernize your legacy systems or to entirely transform your business by exploiting advances in technology, we are your one-stop shop in agile digital transformation.

Green coffee sourcing
company leverages cloud.

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Parcel delivery company
transforms customer experience.

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Big data boosts foodservice market intelligence.

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Team extension for
event success platform.

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European Commission brings green initiatives through AI.

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Dedicated team for a learning management system.

Learn more

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