Industrial IoT
What is Industrial IoT? The Industrial IoT definition stands for the area of the Internet of Things devices that take place in the industrial sector. Thus, this IoT category caters to the needs and goals of specific industries. The Industrial IoT solutions aim to enhance industries’ operations including the reliability of their operations, efficiency of …
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Internet of Things
What is the Internet of Things? The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects designed for connecting and exchanging data using the Internet connection. Thus, the objects within each network can use addressive connections, cooperate, and process data. In other words, the Internet of Things applications allow communication between devices, people, and …
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Internet of Vehicles (IoV)
What is the Internet of Vehicles (IoV)? The Internet of Vehicles is a network that interconnects pedestrians, cars, and parts of urban infrastructure. It uses various sensors, software, in-built hardware, and types of connection to enable reliable and continuous communication. As a part of a smart city, IoV strives to make transportation more autonomous, safe, …
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Iterative Development
Iterative development is a software development approach that breaks the process of developing a large application into smaller parts. Each part…
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