/ 12th September, 2022

Edge computing

What is edge computing?

Edge computing technologies take place with smart devices. This technology aims at processing large data locally without the need for cloud computing technology. Edge computing is used as a cloud alternative that allows greater processing speed and bandwidth. Such technology allows data processing close to its sources, thus minimizing waiting time and traffic.

How does edge computing work?

Edge computing technology doesn’t require a central cloud database to store or process received data. Instead, it relies on the device itself or a single computer connected to the network to analyze and respond to new signals in an instant. Thus, with edge computing, devices don’t send data back and forth while responding to requests. It is acquired and replied to on the spot.

Edge computing vs cloud computing

Cloud computing has several serious drawbacks compared to edge computing:

Thus, in edge computing vs cloud comparison, the former has the upper hand in dealing with large quantities of data, received locally from multiple devices.

Benefits of edge computing

The decentralization of data management comes with a number of edge computing benefits worth knowing:

The aforementioned advantages show why more large companies choose local storage over cloud technology.

Edge computing examples

Edge computing solutions can be applied in any industry with IoT reliance.

These are the three main growing sectors where edge computing is widely used:

Smart city technology relies on IoT in most of its operations. However, not every device or system should communicate with clouds after each transaction. Thus, edge computing applications can minimize the cost of data storage resulting in more efficient, automated, fast, and budget-friendly processes.

Devices can operate independently, without the need to send cloud reports. Thus, they react instantly and more accurately, which can be life-saving.

Edge computing devices can give greater autonomy to machines and processes utilized in manufacturing. Those systems work faster which allows them to cut costs and enhance efficiency while providing accurate reports.

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