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  • ChatGPT

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is mostly known as an online ChatGPT chatbot developed by the OpenAI laboratory. It is a new generation of smart AI chatbots that generates answers to users’ questions in a dialogue by using natural human conversational language. Unlike other AI-driven chatbots, the OpenAI ChatGPT bot creates unique pieces of content instead of giving excerpts of existing information.

How does ChatGPT work?

As the name of ChatGPT implies, the ChatGPT app works on the basis of a Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), a kind of large language model (LLM). It means that the ChatGPT AI gets filled with incalculable amounts of information from different sources, from books to news articles and social media, to build its “knowledge base”.

Then, with the help of natural language processing (NLP), the ChatGPT chatbot can comprehend the question of a user and conduct a dialogue that is close to a natural conversation.

ChatGPT Open AI uses two methods of training the chatbot: supervised learning and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). The latter was key to creating distinctive ChatGPT features, such as its ability to hold a natural-like dialogue.

ChatGPT OpenAI is trained by expert human trainers who perform conversations in the role of both a user and the chatbot.

Features and limitations of ChatGPT

Based on how ChatGPT works, primarily its conversational nature, there are several ways how to use ChatGPT in different aspects of life:

  • Information search: Many users utilize ChatGPT to avoid spending time on manual research. In response to any factual question, the chatbot extracts some needed information from its “knowledge base” and generates a concise answer.
  • Creative work: ChatGPT AI can help creators with inspiration or a complete product by composing a song, writing a story or a poem, or developing code.
  • Text processing: ChatGPT is said to be good at text-related work, be it writing, rewriting, editing, summarizing, or translating.
  • Coding assistance: Apart from generating code, ChatGPT OpenAI is capable of finding and explaining mistakes in existing pieces, which is proven to be helpful for developers of different levels.
  • Routine tasks and simple games: ChatGPT can be used for answering test questions, playing simple games, and performing other routine and uncomplicated tasks.

However, at this stage, there are also some significant ChatGPT limitations users should be aware of while using the chatbot:

  • Accuracy: The correctness of ChatGPT’s answers is often questionable. One of the challenges for OpenAI ChatGPT developers is to root out the chatbot’s habit to generate plausible answers which are, however, unverified and misleading.
  • Excessive autonomy: Another drawback of the available version of the ChatGPT app is its inability to ask follow-up questions to clarify the intention of the user. As a result, it sends responses based on its “interpretation” of users’ questions.
  • Imperfect style: Based on the specific nature of AI training provided to ChatGPT, the chatbot developed its wordy and excessively complex style to imitate comprehensive answers, which may require additional stylistic guidance on the users’ side when it comes to generating text content.
  • Sensitivity to phrasing: In many cases, even a slight change in the input can result in a completely different answer. That also leads to incorrect answers or ChatGPT’s inability to respond at all.
  • Incomplete request filtering: As for now, the chatbot can’t fully recognize and reject answers to inappropriate and harmful input. Also, OpenAI ChatGPT developers continue working on making their responses unbiased.

What is the future of ChatGPT?

The OpenAI chatbot is considered to be close to the peak advancement of conversational AI, that’s why the future of ChatGPT is promising yet controversial. At the moment, the development of GPT-5 is taken off the agenda, whereas the soon release of the interim version GPT-4.5 seems more realistic.

One can assume that the further iterations will contain improved features of ChatGPT, mainly more precise, sophisticated, and relevant responses. This can be done by teaching the chatbot to understand the wider context of the input, providing multi-modal training, and designing specialized versions of this language model that can be used in more specific branches such as marketing, healthcare, law, education, etc.

In terms of the labor market, there have been concerns about possible significant shifts in the division of labor, with a large proportion of workers being potentially replaced by AI.

In the short-to-medium term, what does ChatGPT mean for the future?

  • Wider penetration of AI across industries: With such a wide range of services ChatGPT AI can offer, it is obvious that businesses that represent different niches will continue to employ the chatbot daily to cut expenses and improve operational efficiency.
  • Diversification of skill sets for human workers: ChatGPT is primarily an extremely advanced tool, and just like with every software, proficiency in implementing AI will become an advantageous skill for human employees.
  • Improvement of customer service: AI chatbots are not new to the realm of customer support. The ChatGPT app will further improve the quality of communication with customers.

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