/ 1st September, 2020

How to ensure a smooth transition from one development team to another? IT service transition checklist

The article was updated on September 01, 2020.

There are dozens of things that can go wrong at any point in time during the development of your project. A good provider will go above and beyond to fix such issues if any arise. The truth is, however, that not all software development companies are good.

According to different estimates, from 25% to 50% of all clients will be faced with the need to terminate a contract or switch providers at some point during the lifespan of their project. There are many reasons for this, including constant delays with the project’s delivery, a lack of communication, or the inability of a vendor to meet the expected quality standards.

If you have faced a dishonest service provider, it is best to end your cooperation as soon as possible. Yet, to avoid doing even more harm to your project, you need a solid project transition plan to ensure that the project is smoothly transferred from one vendor to another.

In this article, we will delve into the nuances and phases of transition management and provide first-hand advice on how to switch providers with minimum risk to your business.

Why do you need an established IT transition management process? The challenges and risks of switching vendors

According to various sources, a successful project transition plan from one vendor to another can take 2-3 months. The more complex the project, the longer the transition will take. The current stage of the project’s development also has a significant impact on the duration of the project’s transition.

In addition to the time needed for the project transition plan, there are some other challenges a business owner should be aware of when switching providers:

Yes, switching providers can be a challenging, costly, and risky process. However, if you fail to do so, you can be stuck with an unreliable provider, leading to poor quality of the end product and even bigger delays.

To optimize the effort and navigate possible pitfalls of managing a smooth outsourcing transition, follow our 3-step guide.

A software development vendor transition plan: A step by step guide to a smooth project transition plan

As a product owner, there are many things you can do to facilitate a smooth project transition plan. Namely, we recommend following the three steps listed below during the early phases of transition management.

Make sure to understand the basics

Knowing the ins-and-outs of your product specifics is a must. So, if you haven’t gotten into the details yet, it is high time you do so!

Here are the questions your team needs to know the answers to when working on the project transition plan from one vendor to another:

What’s your tech stack? 

When you are working on a software project transition plan, make sure to understand which technologies the developers you hire should be skilled in.  Outline the list of technologies that make up your tech stack, as seen in the example below:

If you are scaling your product on mobile as well, include mobile technologies to your stack as well. Understanding which tools you are using to bring products to the market helps you choose a fit software vendor and increases the speed of selection. 

Third-party integrations you add to the project

Adding third-party integrations is one of the best practices that helps improve user experience and increases the project’s conversion.  Outline all the integrations you’ve added and plan on adding to your platform. This way, you can choose people experienced in creating a needed type of gateway. 

Here are the top types of third-party integrations developers use: 

Where you are hosting your platform

To make sure that the vendor you choose as a part of the project transition plan will deploy and maintain your project skillfully, choose a vendor who knows how to maintain an app on the hosting platform you use. 

Be ready to explain to the vendor, why you chose a particular hosting platform over alternatives. Take your time to get to know the most common platforms and determine why they were not a good fit for your project: 

What platforms your project supports

Last but not least, you should aim at hiring a vendor skilled in supporting the type of platform you have built – be it a progressive web application, a single-page application, a native iOS or Android product, or a cross-platform app. 

To make sure that your vendor follows the best development practices, be clear on the platform you prioritize over others, and choose a contractor who specializes in the field. 

A lot of business owners use platforms like Clutch.co or GoodFirms to aid in the selection of a software development vendor. These are helpful for finding contractors specializing in building a particular product type.

Develop the knowledge transition plan for software projects

! Before you dive into details, here is a project transition checklist in Excel suitable for transition of the projects of up to 10-15 people.


A knowledge transition plan for software projects should cover the following sources of information:

Check this project transition checklist in Excel suitable for transition of the projects of up to 10-15 people.

Establish IP ownership

Usually, any work that is conducted by a software development company is considered a work for hire, which makes you a sole owner of all the intellectual property created by your contractor. However, you need to make sure that this message is clearly stated in the agreement.

Read more about code ownership and IP rights at Eastern Peak here.


To take full ownership of the product and keep your IP safe, you will need to ask your outgoing vendor to provide the list of accounts and access credentials to a number of tools and services where the project’s assets are stored or deployed. You will need to deactivate the old accounts (or change passwords) so that the old team no longer has access to your product. Otherwise your IP rights might be at risk.

According to a standard NDA, the provider should destroy all assets and information related to your project after the termination of the contract. Make that clear with the vendor you are leaving.

Get the new team up to speed

After you choose the vendor capable of deploying, maintaining, and scaling your project, make sure that the newly onboarded team has all the tools needed to start working. 

Let’s break the knowledge transition plan for software projects down into smaller, manageable steps. 

Step #1. Updating the team on the project status

Before changing vendors, make sure you have a clear understanding of how much the previous team has accomplished. Take some time to assess the progress the vendor you used to work with made. 

Group all tasks in the following categories:

Step #2. Sharing workflows

Making sure that project stakeholders and the tech team are on the same page is crucial for the project’s success. As the one in charge of the software vendor transition plan, you need to make sure that software developers understand the strategies and best practices used to build projects. 

Here’s what you should get the team up to speed on:

Sharing this data with vendors will help you be on the same page and streamline software development. 

Step #3. Mapping out risks and challenges

Finally, before completing the software development transition plan, make sure the team you are bringing on board is fully aware of the challenges they might meet along the way.

Here are the main types of risks you should keep tabs on and tell the vendor about: 

Managing the handoff

The success of project handover largely depends on the way your previous team of vendors was handling their work. Before terminating the collaboration with the development team and switching to a new vendor, make sure that all project files are prepared for a hand-off. 

Here is the project transition plan checklist project owners should implement before letting a vendor team go:

If you are wondering how to hand over a project if your relationship with the last vendor ended abruptly, here’s the good news. Onboarding a new vendor responsibly can make up for project management miss-outs.

Here is a software transition plan checklist company managers and CTOs should follow to streamline the process: 

IT service transition checklist. Where to start?

Our team at Eastern Peak has vast experience helping business owners make the IT transition management process smooth and efficient. Thus, we have developed our own approach to this task.

Our IT service transition checklist includes the following steps:

  1. Initial consultation. The project transition plan starts with understanding the project’s current stage of development, the main problems that were faced by the previous vendor, how those can be solved, and how to avoid similar issues in the future. We analyze the major transition risks, taking into account the vendor’s specifics, development stage, team size, etc.
  2. Transition process planning. At this point we cover all the steps that you should take to start the transition process (as described earlier in the article) and prepare all onboarding documents.
  3. Project review and recommendations. Before jumping into action, we carefully analyze the project’s assets delivered by our previous vendor and provide recommendations on their improvement. We also can help you choose a more efficient project management toolset and suggest ways to make your product even better. If there is any information lacking, we will tell you exactly what is needed. As a result, we will be able to start the onboarding process with your dedicated development team at Eastern Peak.

The above-described process runs under close supervision of experienced product managers and software architects. In this way, you can be sure that the transition is smooth and effortless.

See this project transition checklist in Excel suitable for transition of the projects of up to 10-15 people.

If you are planning to switch your software development provider, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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