/ 5th May, 2016

Eastern Peak celebrates new office opening in Herzliya

We have expanded!

As of May 2nd, 2016, we opened our new branch office in Herzliya, the heart of Israel’s technology scene.

Located at WeWork, a high-tech hub of innovation and creation, our office will provide consultancy and project management services to our Israeli customers.

“We are thrilled about the rapid growth Eastern Peak Software has demonstrated over the past couple of years and are excited about the challenges and opportunities that come with opening this new office.” – said Alexey Chalimov, CEO of Eastern Peak Software.

We are going to make much more effort to give our great services to our customers in Israel, offering full range of software development services:

Come visit us in our newest location at WeWork, Shankar Street 1, Herzliya, Israel.

Please contact us for scheduling a meeting and getting more information about our services at info@easternpeak.com.

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